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Discover the SWEDD project best practice guides

With a view to equipping the actors involved in implementation of the SWEDD Project, thematic guides have been drawn up to reconstruct the design, implementation and learning evaluation phases. Lesson...

Discover the SWEDD project best practice guides

With a view to equipping the actors involved in implementation of the SWEDD Project, thematic guides have been drawn up to reconstruct the design, implementation and learning evaluation phases. Lessons have been drawn from each guide. The themes cover the major aspects of the SWEDD project. The guides are available in French here.

Read more on the impact of SWEDD on the World Bank blog.

1. Engagement of religious and traditional leaders

1. Engagement of religious and traditional leaders

2. Support for girls' education and keeping them in school

2. Support for girls' education and keeping them in school

3. Curriculum development for Safe Spaces

3. Curriculum development for Safe Spaces

4. Safe Spaces

4. Safe Spaces

5. Development of clubs for husbands and future husbands

5. Development of clubs for husbands and future husbands

6. Group leaders: Safe spaces and husbands/future husbands clubs

6. Group leaders: Safe spaces and husbands/future husbands clubs

7. Increasing economic opportunities for adolescent girls and young women

7. Increasing economic opportunities for adolescent girls and young women

8. Technical support for national medicines quality control laboratories and national medicines regulatory authorities

8. Technical support for national medicines quality control laboratories and national medicines regulatory authorities

9. Last kilometer community-based distribution

9. Last kilometer community-based distribution

10. A clinical mentoring approach for midwives to reduce maternal deaths and improve reproductive health

10. A clinical mentoring approach for midwives to reduce maternal deaths and improve reproductive health

11. Regional Centres of Excellence to improve the quality of reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health services

11. Regional Centres of Excellence to improve the quality of reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health services

12. Training and deployment of midwives in rural areas

12. Training and deployment of midwives in rural areas

13. Experiences with budgeting sensitive to the demographic dividend

13. Experiences with budgeting sensitive to the demographic dividend