Le Dr Adekambi apporte plus de 20 ans de leadership stratégique
22 November 2022
Dr Edwige Adekambi Domingo, is a former UNFPA representative, retired since November 2020. Dr Adekambi brings over 20 years of strategic leadership, advocacy and operational expertise in complex and challenging environments, as a representative of UNFPA in Chad, Guinea and Burkina Faso, OIC in Niger and deputy representative in Senegal. In these positions, she increased UNFPA's strategic contribution to the country response to empowering women and girls and protecting them from gender-based violence, as well as reducing morbidity and mortality. maternal and newborn care, and improving access to family planning and modern contraception despite cultural bottlenecks.
She also provided strategic leadership for the national program on the demographic dividend. Prior to joining UNFPA in 2001 as National Program Officer/Deputy Representative in her country, Benin, Dr Adekambi was the first physician to working within the Ministry of Planning and Economic Restructuring, as the national coordinator leading and directing the sustainable community development and employment program. Dr Adekambi is a doctor. She holds a master's degree in epidemiology and health services/program management.