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Training mentors for Safe Spaces & Husbands' Clubs in Cote d'Ivoire: Towards an Equal and Secure Society

07 June 2024

Côte d'Ivoire - AIP/ Promoting gender and life skills: 90 mentors trained in the N'Zi region

Groundbreaking M&E Platform to Revolutionize Women's Empowerment Efforts in the Sahel

06 June 2024


"As it is a social norm, Female genital mutilation (FGM) represents a major challenge"

06 June 2024

SWEDD en action

"My goal is to protect minors and women from gender-based violence"

06 June 2024

SWEDD en action

« Girls are more aware of their rights now than before »

06 June 2024

SWEDD en action

"May the women of tomorrow be educated, dynamic, and empowered !"

05 June 2024

SWEDD en action

"A woman can contribute not only to her family’s needs, but also to the local and national economy"

24 May 2024

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Solange Mèhou Houédanou, 47, a businesswoman elected to Benin's parliament in February 2023, is a member of the Benin Chamber of Commerce and Industry and an ambassador for the SWEDD project’s Stronger Together campaign. In 2016 she founded the 'Union des femmes entreprenantes et solidaires du Bénin (UFES-Bénin)', an NGO that provides training for women planning to set up small businesses, and in 2018 she launched an agrifood processing company that employs around 60 women.


"A woman can contribute not only to her family’s needs, but also to the local and national economy"

24 May 2024


Solange Mèhou Houédanou, 47, a businesswoman elected to Benin's parliament in February 2023, is a member of the Benin Chamber of Commerce and Industry and an ambassador for the SWEDD project’s Stronger Together campaign. In 2016 she founded the 'Union des femmes entreprenantes et solidaires du Bénin (UFES-Bénin)', an NGO that provides training for women planning to set up small businesses, and in 2018 she launched an agrifood processing company that employs around 60 women.

En réponse à appel lancé par des dirigeants des pays du Sahel, les Nations Unies et la Banque mondiale ont conçu un programme d’envergure : le SWEDD, une initiative régionale pour l’Autonomisation des Femmes et Dividende Démographique au Sahel.


Annual Report 2023

03 May 2024
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